Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Social Media

   I'm involved in social media in many different ways. I go on Facebook almost everyday for about half an hour. I don't really like to be on the computer for a long time though. I use Facebook to talk to friends, watch other people's photos, meet knew people, and add photos myself. I also go on You Tube a lot. I like to watch funny videos or impressive videos. The kinds of videos that you get shocked with. These are examples of how I'm involved with social media.

   Social media can be very dangerous if you use it wrong. When you have a Facebook or Myspace account and you put all your info in it other people, bad people, have the chance to see it too. They can see from where you live to what your favorite color is. This info makes it easier for kid nappers to kid nap you. This is not that hard to prevent. When you create an account you can put none of the info about you or your family that they ask you to. Also, never add as friends people you don't know. Not even if your friends know them. These are all dangerous things about social media and ways you can prevent them.

   I know just the right thing we should be learning right now to use social media safely. I think we should be learning how to use it but to control it well also. We should be learning what to do and what to not do. This way we can interact with social media safely and the right way. If we don't learn this we will keep using internet in danger. We will give people the opportunity to trick us and do bad things. I don't think it would be hard to learn how to do this without danger of this things. This is my opinion of what we should be learning and why. 



  1. thanks for sharing. It really is amazing how much time people can spend on sites such as FaceBook isn't it (amazing and scary actually).

  2. I agree with you. I think it does affect. Also is very dangerous. Some people dont care even though they should.

  3. I agree with you too.But also, you can make new friends.People should pay attencion to what they are involved.

  4. I agree with you. I like how you write about Social Media. They should pay more attention in what they get in.

  5. I agree because it can be dangerous, you can know things about others, or others can know things about you. I really agree with you in all the ways. You don't suposted to enter a long time at Social Media.

  6. I agree with you, we should know how to use social media and how to control it as well. I really like your paragraph, its very clear.

  7. sebastian your paraghraph is great. I mean i agree with everything becouse in the first paraghraph i also use social media for the same things. In the second paragraph it says about information safety and your totally right.Knot only that but i also agree that we should learn how to use it.

  8. hi sebastian. your paragraph its very good because its so interesting and it has so much details. i really agree in all the things that you said i agree with that you need yto learn how to use it so thats lt and i really like your paragraph

  9. I agree that there are some scary and dangerous things about social media. The good thing about though, is that we can learn. People need to teach us how to be safe and aware of people such as pervs. They need to teach us before it gets worse. I am also involved in social media the same way as you. Very interesting!
